😎SDK Reference

Integrating into your front-end


You can install the @denota-labs/denota-sdk package with the following command:

npm install @denota-labs/denota-sdk


The setProvider function initializes the library's internal state by setting up the provider, signer, account, and other necessary contracts for executing transactions. It also retrieves the corresponding contract addresses based on the chain ID. This function must be called before performing any transactions to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

The function accepts an ethers.Signer and chainId as its input parameters, providing flexibility for developers.

import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import { setProvider } from '@denota-labs/denota-sdk';

async function initializeProvider() {
  const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
  const signer = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, provider);
  const chainId = YOUR_CHAIN_ID;

  try {
    await setProvider({ signer, chainId });
    console.log("Provider has been set successfully");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error setting provider:", error);


Before sending funds, use the approveToken function to approve a token for use in writing notas.

import { approveToken } from '@denota-labs/denota-sdk';

async function approve() {
  const currency = 'DAI';
  const approvalAmount = 100;
  await approveToken({ currency, approvalAmount });


Interacting with Notas


The write function is used to create a nota based on the provided module data.

import { DirectPayData, write } from '@denota-labs/denota-sdk';

const directPayData: DirectPayData = {
  moduleName: "direct",
  type: "invoice",
  creditor: "0x...",
  debitor: "0x...",

const writeProps = {
  currency: "DAI",
  amount: 10,
  metadata: { type: "raw", notes: "Example invoice" },
  module: directPayData,

const result = await write(writeProps);

Metadata can be attached in two forms. If the metadata has already been uploaded to IFPS, it can be attached to the nota:

const writeProps = {
  currency: "DAI",
  amount: 10,
  metadata: { type: "uploaded", ipfsHash, imageUrl },
  module: directPayData,

If the metadata hasn't been uploaded yet, it can be uploaded through the SDK:

const writeProps = {
  currency: "DAI",
  amount: 10,
  metadata: { 
    type: "raw", 
    notes: "Example invoice", 
    file: exampleFile, 
    tags: "logo" 
  module: directPayData,


The fund function is used to fund a nota based on the nota ID.


import { fund } from '@denota-labs/denota-sdk';

const fundProps = {
  notaId: "12345", // Replace with the actual nota ID

const result = await fund(fundProps);


The cash function is used to move a payment out of escrow based on the nota ID and the action type ("reversal" or "release").

import { cash } from '@denota-labs/denota-sdk';

const cashPaymentProps = {
  notaId: "12345", // Replace with the actual nota ID
  type: "release",

const result = await cash(cashPaymentProps);


[Coming soon]


[Coming soon]

Querying Notas

Denota Protocol provides a subgraph to query nota data using the Graph Protocol. To access Nota data, you can use the getNotasQueryURL() function to get the query URL and a GraphQL library like Apollo Client to perform the queries.


To get started, set up the Apollo Client in your project:

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, gql } from "@apollo/client";

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: getNotasQueryURL(), 
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

Sample Query

Here's a sample query that fetches notas for a given account:

const GET_NOTAS = gql`
  query GetNotas($account: ID!) {
    account(id: $account) {
      cheqs {
        erc20 {
        sender {
        receiver {

async function fetchNotas(account) {
  try {
    const { data } = await client.query({
      query: GET_NOTAS,
      variables: { account },
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching notas:", error);

fetchNotas("0x..."); // Replace with the Ethereum address of the account

This query retrieves the following data:

  • id: Nota ID

  • amount: Nota amount

  • timestamp: Nota creation timestamp

  • status: Nota status

  • uri: Nota URI

  • erc20: Token information for the nota currency

  • sender: Sender's Ethereum address

  • receiver: Receiver's Ethereum address

Replace 0x... with the Ethereum address of the account you want to fetch notas for.

Exploring the Schema

To explore the full schema and test queries, use the GraphiQL playground at the following URL:

[Coming Soon]

This playground allows you to explore the available types, fields, and relationships in the Denota subgraph and test your queries before integrating them into your application.

Last updated